345 Pac Hwy, Lindfield must not set dangerous precedent

See GB.11, Agenda, Ku-ring-gai Council meeting, Tues 18 June 2024 at 7pm HERE

A private Planning Proposal has been received by Ku-ring-gai Council for 345 Pacific Highway (opposite the new Coles development) on the corner of one of the Ku-ring-gai’s most dangerous intersections on the Pacific Hwy, Balfour Road and the Havilah Road underpass.

This Planning Proposal is not supported in its current form.  However the Ku-ring-gai Planning Panel and Council Officers are recommending to allow 12 storey heights & Floor Space Ratio to 3.5: 1 on this site, by amending the Ku-ring-gai LEP.  

Amending the Ku-ring-gai LEP to allow 12 storeys on this site would set a dangerous precedent for all other local centres in Ku-ring-gai, including St Ives.

Currently the KLEP 2015 allows for up to a 9 storey development in this E1 zone.

The TOD SEPP which Council is challenging in the Land and Environment Court  only allows 6-8 storeys on this site and a FSR of 2.5:1.

So why is Council considering amending the Ku-ring-gai LEP to allow 12 storeys?

The proposed amendment will set new height and built upon standards not just for Lindfield but for the whole of Ku-ring-gai.  This is something that should NOT BE SUPPORTED.  

Please send an email to all Ku-ring-gai Councillors

Then copy your email to MPs:

Matt Cross MP davidson@parliament.nsw.gov.au 

Alister Henskens SC MP wahroonga@parliament.nsw.gov.au

11 June, 2024