Ku-ring-gai remains steadfast on TOD legal action

FOKE thanks Ku-ring-gai Councillors who voted to continue the legal action against the NSW Governments undemocratic and environmentally and heritage destructive Transport Oriented Development (TOD) program.

A majority of nine councillors stood steadfast in their support to continue the legal action against the TOD.  

Watch Ku-ring-gai Council meeting HERE.

Since coming into effect on 13 May, 2024, the TOD continues to cause anguish, distress and despair for residents and particularly to those living within 400 metres of Gordon, Killara, Lindfield and Roseville Stations.  

The TOD will allow 6 to 7 storey apartment buildings on most sites within 400 metres of Gordon, Killara, Lindfield and Roseville railway stations.

Residents remain in shock to think that a NSW Government would allow Ku-ring-gai’s unique and irreplaceable heritage and environment to be so willfully destroyed by developers.

Many residents are now being threatened with financial and housing insecurity. Those living within the TOD are being pressured to sell their properties with threats that if they don’t their properties will be devalued.

Ku-ring-gai Councillors know they have no choice but to take legal action.  The NSW Government has shown no indication that they will negotiate with Council.  Instead, Minns appears determined to push through this undemocratic TOD hyper-overdevelopment SEPP that will be catastrophic for not only Ku-ring-gais heritage and environment but NSWs.

It is pleasing to hear that the NSW Liberals are prepared to overturn the TOD program.  

We now have hope that Councils legal challenge and the Coalitions Disallowance Bill will stop the disastrous TOD.


Read TOD SEPP by:

Paul Scully, MP, Minister for Planning & Public Spaces State Environmental Planning Policy (Housing) Amendment (Transport Oriented Development) 2024 under the Environmental and Planning Act 1979 HERE

11 June, 2024