At Ku-ring-gai Council’s meeting on 17 December 2024, it was resolved:
Low and Mid-Rise Housing SEPP Proposed Dual Occupancy Provisions for Ku-ring-gai Local Environmental Plan 2015
File: S14428
Vide: GB.11
To seek Council’s support to progress discussions with State government on the dual occupancy component of the Low and Mid-rise Housing reforms, namely on minimum lot sizes.
(Moved: Councillors Spencer/Pettett)
A. That it be noted that this report only concerns the dual occupancy provisions of the Low and Mid-Rise Housing SEPP and excludes provisions relating to other housing types such as townhouses, terraces, two storey apartment blocks and mid-rise apartment blocks which the NSW Government has not yet commenced.
B. That Council present the three minimum lot size Options within this report to the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure to progress the next steps, including community consultation.
C. That the following steps be taken by Council staff following Council’s Resolution:
i. meet with DPHI to discuss the proposed Options;
ii. conduct a public exhibition of the Options, or variations of the Options, that are supported by DPHI.
D. That the public exhibition results be reported to Council to seek Council’s endorsement of a final minimum lot size.
E. The adopted minimum lot sizes for dual occupancy include a provision for the requirement of an 18 metre minimum lot width.
F. That the Director Strategy and Environment be given delegation to correct
errors and improve clarification upon advice of the consultant Hill Thalis, that
do not alter the direction of the Options.
The Motion was put and CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.
(Moved: Councillors Spencer/Pettett)
A. That it be noted that this report only concerns the dual occupancy provisions of the Low and Mid-Rise Housing SEPP and excludes provisions relating to other housing types such as townhouses, terraces, two storey apartment blocks and mid-rise apartment blocks which the NSW Government has not yet commenced.
B. That Council present the three minimum lot size Options within this report to the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure to progress the next steps, including community consultation.
C. That the following steps be taken by Council staff following Council’s Resolution:
i. meet with DPHI to discuss the proposed Options;
ii. conduct a public exhibition of the Options, or variations of the Options, that are supported by DPHI.
D. That the public exhibition results be reported to Council to seek Council’s endorsement of a final minimum lot size.
E. The adopted minimum lot sizes for dual occupancy include a provision for the requirement of an 18 metre minimum lot width.
F. That the Director Strategy and Environment be given delegation to correct errors and improve clarification upon advice of the consultant Hill Thalis, that do not alter the direction of the Options.
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