Affordable Options?

Ku-ring-gai Council resolved to put on public exhibition an Affordable Housing Options Paper and Draft Affordable Housing Policy at its meeting of 17 December 2024.

File: S12139-12

Vide: GB.10

For Council to consider the Affordable Housing Options Paper and Draft Ku-ring-gai Affordable Housing Policy for public exhibition.


(Moved: Councillors Spencer/Pettett)

A.   To advance Ku-ring-gai’s affordable housing objectives Council pursue the implementation of:

1.   An Affordable Housing Policy;

2.   An Affordable Housing Contributions Scheme.

B.   The Draft Affordable Housing Policy (Attachment A2) be placed on public exhibition for a period of 28 days. A report is to be brought back to Council to consider any feedback on the Draft Policy.

C.   The Affordable Housing Options Paper (Attachment A1) and the Education Brochure (Attachment A3) be made available as a supporting study to the public exhibition of the Draft Affordable Housing Policy

D.   That prior to exhibition the Director of Strategy and Environment be given the authority to make minor changes of a typographical nature that do not alter the overall content to any significant degree


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