FOKE’s evidence to TOD Inquiry

FOKE was invited to give evidence to the NSW Parliament’s Upper House Inquiry into the development of the Transport Oriented Development Program (TOD) on Monday 20 May 2024 in the Macquarie Room, Parliament House, Sydney.  

FOKE concluded its evidence calling on the NSW Government to immediately withdraw the TOD program because of the devastation it will cause not only to the natural, built and cultural heritage of Ku-ring-gai but for Greater Sydney.

During FOKEs session from 12.15 pm, Mr Frank Howarth AM (Chair, Heritage Council of NSW); Mr David Burden (Conservation Director, National Trust of Australia (NSW) and Ms Jozefa Sobski AM (Vice President, Haberfield Association Inc) presented evidence as well.

Following FOKE’s presentation the Save Greater Sydney Coalition (SGSC) which FOKE is a member of, presented their evidence.  It was a powerful presentation!

Read list of speakers at Upper House TOD Inquiry 20.5.24 HERE

Watch video of FOKE’s evidence to the Upper House TOD Inquiry Hearing 20.5.24 HERE

Read transcript of FOKE’s evidence to the Upper House TOD Inquiry Hearing 20.5.24 HERE

Read FOKEs Submission to the TOD Inquiry 27.3.24 HERE

Read further information about the Upper House Inquiry HERE


Read TOD SEPP by:

Paul Scully, MP, Minister for Planning & Public Spaces State Environmental Planning Policy (Housing) Amendment (Transport Oriented Development) 2024 under the Environmental and Planning Act 1979 HERE