Read FOKE's evidence in the Transport Orientated Development Program FINAL REPORT

Sue Higginson, Chair of the Portfolio 7 Committee Development of the Transport Oriented Development Program Committee has forwarded the FINAL Inquiry Report to the NSW Government containing 10 recommendations.

Whilst substantial concerns were raised in the written submissions and verbally sworn evidence, FOKE remains disappointed that the Final Report made no recommendation relating to the protection of heritage items and gazettted Heritage Conservation Areas. This is despite submissions and evidence presented by peak heritage bodies including the National Trust of Australia (NSW) and community groups that represent areas of outstanding built, natural and cultural heritage including the Haberfield Association. The Final Report failed to mention or address the protection of Greater Sydney’s outstanding heritage values. 

Sue Higginson wrote to FOKE thanking us for our contribution to the Inquiry saying that the Committee was greatly assisted by our contribution and that they appreciated “the time and effort taken by all those who have helped us with this important inquiry.”

FOKE has invited Sue Higginson to tour the four TODs in Ku-ring-gai.


The Portfolio 7 Committee Development of the Transport Oriented Development Program Committee Report made 10 recommendations to the NSW Government.

It calls on the NSW Government to take a holistic, long-term view of options to address the housing crisis, particularly through the delivery of public, social and affordable housing. It also encourages the Government to take a collaborative approach with key stakeholders, and ensure that these particular reforms deliver ‘density done well’, that enhances the amenity and quality of life for residents.

Recommendation 1
That the NSW Government continue to work in collaboration with local councils and key stakeholders on building community understanding of housing reforms, including the TOD program.

Recommendation 2
That the NSW Government continue to work with stakeholders, including local councils and development industry representatives, to clarify how the TOD SEPP will operate alongside existing planning controls, and update the existing guidelines should there be any further uncertainty.

Recommendation 3
That the NSW Government consider evidence on drivers of housing affordability and ensure that detailed planning for the current and any future TOD precincts is tailored for specific localities and considers how the program can best promote housing supply that meets community needs.

Recommendation 4
That the NSW Government develop a package of measures to address current constraints impacting on residential construction in New South Wales.

Recommendation 5
That the NSW Government continue the work on a framework for affordable housing under the TOD program.

Recommendation 6
That the NSW Government continue to address the broad range of issues contributing to the housing crisis, noting in particular:

  • continued investment in public housing
  • continued involvement of Government in delivery of different housing typologies
  • maintaining design standards and building quality for apartments
  • continuing progressing legislation to reform the rental market and make renting fairer
    for all renters
  • reviewing the operation of strata title to minimise legal complexity and financial risk
    for apartment owners, and provide for possibility of future urban renewal.

    Recommendation 7
    That the NSW Government consider focusing infrastructure funding through the Urban Development Program to areas of growth, including TOD locations, to ensure that community infrastructure and amenity needs are delivered alongside housing.

    Recommendation 8
    That the NSW Government maintain the existing robust design and building standards throughout new housing reforms to ensure long term liveability of new developments.

    Recommendation 9
    That the NSW Government investigate measures to encourage the delivery of family-friendly apartments as part of its housing reforms.

    Recommendation 10
    That the NSW Government:
  • continue to maintain commitment to 40 per cent urban tree canopy cover across Greater Sydney by 2036
  • release further guidance for local councils and industry on managing and minimising mature tree and canopy loss during development, including appropriate compensatory measures for replacement.

Read the FINAL REPORT below:

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