FOKE calls for Extraordinary meeting to be RESCHEDULED


Post Feb 2025Formal consultation begins if Council resolves to progress a particular scenario as a planning proposal.
Post Feb 2025Council will commence work post-February
2025 if it adopts a preferred non-statutory scenario for further development into a planning proposal
Feb 2025 – Ordinary MeetingCommunity engagement reported to Council.
outlining the outcomes of community engagement in relation to alternative scenarios to the TOD SEPP
amendments for Roseville and Gordon Ward in light of the primary objectives: 
a)   to retain and protect Heritage Conservation Areas (HCAs);
b)   to improve urban canopy outcomes; and
c)   to meet the dwelling targets stipulated by the State Government for the TOD program
28 Dec 2024Discussions with NSW Government on Council’s approach (if Council adopts scenarios for exhibition)
Primary objectives for the study are: 
a)   to retain and protect Heritage Conservation Areas (HCAs);
b)   to improve urban canopy outcomes; and
c)   to meet the dwelling targets stipulated by the State Government for the TOD program
17 Dec 2024Non-statutory public exhibition on alternative scenarios to the TOD SEPP closes
22 Nov 2024Ku-ring-gai Council Vs NSW Government TOD be listed for further directions
21 Nov 2024Land & Environment Court directed Mediation with NSW Government
Nov 2024Non-statutory public exhibition to commence on Council’s draft land use options Nov-Dec 2024
30 Oct 2024Extraordinary meeting to receive Officers’ Report on whether to adopt exhibiting housing scenarios to explore better resident outcomes for the four Transport Oriented Development precincts of Gordon, Killara, Lindfield and Roseville 

Primary objectives for the study are: 
a)   to retain and protect Heritage Conservation Areas (HCAs);
b)   to improve urban canopy outcomes; and
c)   to meet the dwelling targets stipulated by the State Government for the TOD program

Roseville Ward
Endorse for non statutory public exhibition for comparative purposes.
– Scenario 1 TOD (base case)
– Scenario 2
– Scenario 3a

Gordon Ward
Endorse for non statutory public exhibition for comparative purposes.
– Scenario 1 TOD (base case)
– Scenario 2
– Scenario 3a
– Scenario 3b
30 Oct 2024Confidential item re Land and Environment Court of NSW – TOD SEPP
9 October 2024Councillor briefing on scenarios
8 Oct 2024Oath/ Affirmation of Office by Ku-ring-gai Councillors & election of Mayor Christine Kay and Deputy Mayor Kim Wheatley
Oct 2024Council has received
·    one DA and 2 pre-DAs with potential for about 150 new dwellings;
·    three Planning Proposals with potential for about 1,200 dwellings (two predating the TOD SEPP; and
·    some twenty-four (24) enquiries and/or requests for de-listing of Heritage items for which no specialist heritage advice has been provided in support.
Late Sept 2024At least 34 Expressions of Interest on the market, involving over 100 individual properties, with potential for up to 3,300 new apartments.
14 Sept 2024Local Government Elections
29 August 2024NSW Government advised Ku-ring-gai Council that it was not intending to support the IHO.
13 August 2024Ordinary Meeting of Council under item C1 (decision #178) council resolved.
 (Moved: Councillors Ngai/Wheatley)
 That in relation to the matters in this report, Council endorses the content of the Mayor’s late confidential memo dated 13 August 2024, a copy of which is initialed at the Meeting by the Mayor.
For the Resolution:  The Mayor, Councillor Ngai, Councillors Kay, Lennon, Smith, A. Taylor, G. Taylor, Ward and Wheatley
Against the Resolution:  Councillors Pettett and Spencer
The Mayor’s late confidential memo provided guidance for the mediation which was to take place in late September 2024. However, this mediation was delayed by the State Government and rescheduled for November.
July 2024Council resolved to seek an interim heritage order (IHO) for heritage conservation areas in the TOD precincts.
13 May 2024The SEPP came into force largely unamended.

Council also requested the studies, scenario analysis and community engagement be presented before councillors within nine months for a decision.
8 May 2024Council resolved to commence studies around the four Transport Oriented Development precincts of Gordon, Killara, Lindfield, and Roseville. Council’s aim was to explore better resident outcomes than what was expected to be implemented under the TOD SEPP at the Extraordinary Meeting of Council.

Mayoral Minute from Council’s Extraordinary Meeting of Council of 8 May 2024.
A.      That Council supports more housing but denounces the lack of planning and one-size-fits-all policies of the State Government.
 For the Resolution: The Mayor, Councillor Ngai, Councillors Lennon, Smith, A. Taylor, G. Taylor, Ward and Wheatley
Against the Resolution: Councillor Spencer

B.     That Council commence proceedings in the NSW Land and Environment Court concerning the Transport Oriented Development Amendment to the Housing SEPP, to seek declarations as to invalidity and orders restraining any associated breach of law, including the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.

C.   That Council commences studies around the four Transport Oriented Development precincts of Gordon, Killara, Lindfield and Roseville to explore better resident outcomes than what is currently in place (as of 13 May 2024). The studies, scenario analysis and community engagement should be presented before councillors within nine months for a decision. Such scenarios may include:

i)   Base Case
– Identification of new infrastructure and amenities to support the state-imposed TOD precincts in their current form.

ii)  Minor Amendment Case
In addition to the Base Case, it will selectively spare key Heritage Conservation Areas as well as improve urban canopy outcomes by shifting dwellings towards key sites in the town centre.

iii) More Extensive Case
– In addition to the Base Case, a more ambitious effort to save multiple Heritage Conservation Areas as well as improve urban canopy outcomes by shifting dwellings towards non-heritage areas in the town centre.

iv) As well as any other scenarios that Council staff choose to identify.

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