Report recommends even more density

Today the NSW Productivity & Equality Commission’s ‘Review of Housing Supply Challenges and Policy Options for NSW ‘ was released recommending even more TODs across Greater Sydney, including Ku-ring-gai.

This is why the new Ku-ring-gai Council must continue its legal action against the TOD. Find out who are the candidates who are supporting the legal action HERE.

NSW Productivity Commissioner Peter Achterstraat has made 32 recommendations to the NSW Labor Government on which ‘barriers’ should be removed to increase density.

FOKE is expecting that the Minns Government will announce new density targets immediately” immediately following the local government elections on 14 September, 2024.

That is why the Ku-ring-gai Council elections are so important and why the newly elected councillors must continue Ku-ring-gai Council’s legal action against the NSW Government.

More Transport Orientated Development programs (TODs) are recommended for the northern suburbs . It is expected that Pymble, Turramurra, Warrawee and Wahroonga will be targetted with TODs.

It is also recommended that the TODs be extended to 800 metrers (currently 400 metres). around railway stations.

As well it is recommended that the TOD height limits be increased “significantly”.

Productivity Commissioner Peter Achterstraat has stated “If we don’t act, we could become a city with no grandchildren”. FOKE’s reply to this is “the NSW Government one size will fail Sydney and make it unlivable for grandchildren”.

Yet again it appears Premier Minnis is determined to destroy Ku-ring-gai heritage and environment as well as suburbs across Greater Sydney.


The Premier, Treasurer, Minister for Planning and Public Spaces Media Release: Productivity & Equality Commission’s report ‘Review of Housing Supply Challenges and Policy Options for NSW’, 11 September 2024 HERE

ABC News, Higher towers, smaller homes, fewer car spaces recommended to solve NSW housing crisis, by Nick Dole, state political reporter, 11 September 2024 HERE

Urban Taskforce Australia Media Release, 11 September 2024 HERE