“You have something special here in Ku-ring-gai. Fight for it.” – Tom Uren

Ku-ring-gai is about to be destroyed.

It is now time for residents to fight for Ku-ring-gai.

The NSW Government is planning to destroy Ku-ring-gai – its tree canopy, its heritage homes and its character.

IT IS IMPORTANT for residents to:

a) complete a Ku-ring-gai Council online survey about their say on the planning changes

b) send feedback to the State Government’s planning department here.


The NSW Government proposes dual occupancies in low density residential zones on block sizes of 450sqm. A block of 900 sqm will allow four homes to be built on it.

The NSW Government’s blanket zonings will allow terraces, townhouses, manor houses (two storey apartment blocks) and 6 to 7 storey mid-rise apartment blocks to be built within walking distance of railway stations. Possibly too for Ku-ring-gai’s local centres – East Killara, East Lindfield, West Gordon, West Pymble, West Lindfield, South Turramurra, North Turramurra?

Ku-ring-gai’s future will be dramatically different – traffic congestion, high rise with the removal of thousands of trees. Heat stress turbocharged. Wildlife extinguished. Heritage erased.

In April 2024 the NSW Government plans to implement ‘Transport Oriented Development’ (TOD).

TOD allows blanket 6 to 7 storey unit developments within 400m of the Roseville, Lindfield, Killara and Gordon railway stations. Eight to nine storeys will be allowed if developers provide “affordable housing”.

Heritage Conservation Areas WILL NOT BE PROTECTED.

The NSW Government has indicated it will NOT CONSULT Ku-ring-gai residents over its TOD high rise rezoning changes.

For more information see Ku-ring-gai Council: ‘Proposed changes to NSW housing policy and its impacts on Ku-ring-gai’.

Vale Dr Tony Recsei (1938-2023)

FOKE was pleased that a Mayoral Minute for FOKE member, Dr Tony Recsei.

Read it below:

KU-RING-GAI COUNCIL MAYORAL MINUTE: Vale Tony Recsei: Respected Volunteer and Community Leader

“On behalf of Council and the Ku-ring-gai community this Mayoral Minute pays tribute to well-known Ku-ring-gai resident Tony Recsei, who passed away unexpectedly last month while on holiday in South Africa.

Tony Recsei was a highly respected member of the Ku-ring-gai community and longstanding Warrawee resident. Born in South Africa, he was Managing Director of pharmaceutical company Pharmador which his father had started in the 1930s.

Being a successful businessman was just one part of Tony’s life however. He was passionate about flying, earning his commercial pilot’s licence at an early age and flying around Australia in the Piper Twin Cherokee that he owned.

Tony was a devoted Rotarian; eventually becoming President of Turramurra Rotary Club.  He was also a gifted pianist who was President of the Sydney Mozart Society; a not-for-profit organisation devoted to raising awareness of classical music.

Many will remember Tony for his activism on planning matters which he led on behalf of Ku-ring-gai and the wider Sydney community.

In 2000, he established the Save Our Suburbs organisation to oppose State government urban consolidation policies. He was staunchly opposed to forced rezonings in local communities, believing that they led to over-development and environmental degradation.

Right up to his death, Tony Recsei continued to call for governments to introduce planning reforms to protect residents from inappropriate development. He wrote several research papers on planning issues and engaged in discussions with the NSW Department of Planning and the Urban Taskforce, among others, to argue the case against over-development.

Tony married Greta Behrmann in 1960 and they remained together for more than 60 years until his death. He is survived by Greta, children Derek and Elaine, grandchildren Carl, Krista, Bryce and Giselle and great-granddaughter June. Our sincere condolences to Tony’s family on his untimely passing. He was a highly cultured and much loved family man, as well as being a tireless advocate for the causes he believed in. May he rest in peace.”


(Moved: The Mayor, Councillor Ngai)

A.      That the Mayoral Minute be received and noted.

B.      That we stand for a minute’s silence to honour Tony Recsei.

C.      That the Mayor write to Tony Recsei’s family and encloses a copy of the Mayoral Minute.