Support Disallowance Bill

Please write letters to the Upper House Crossbench calling on them to SUPPORT The Hon. Scott Farlow, MLC & Shadow Minister for Planning’s DISALLOWANCE BILL opposing the Transport Oriented Development (TOD) program across Greater Sydney, including in Ku-ring-gai.  

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TOD Disallowance Bill

Read more about the TOD Disallowance Bill HERE

Scott Farlow, MLC & Shadow Minister for Planning, has introduced a Private members Bill into the Legislative Council. This Bill is the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 to enable State Environmental Planning Policy (Housing) Amendment (Transport Oriented Development) 2024. The aim is to disallow the Transport Oriented Development (TOD) program that is a blunt and one-size-fits all instruments that will have catastrophic impacts on Ku-ring-gai s tree canopy, environment, heritage and amenity.  

On 5th June 2024, Scott Farlow said:

“The Coalition supports measures, including increasing density along transport corridors, to meet ambitious housing targets, but they must be done right and in consultation with local communities. This has not been the case with the Transport Oriented Development State Environmental Planning Policy, which provided no opportunity for community consultation despite increased community participation being an object of the Act”.


The Bill will be introduced into the Legislative Council.

Please urge MLCs to vote for the TOD Disallowance Bill.

Please ADAPT and EDIT in your own words the letter below:

Then send the email to each member of the crossbench asking them to support the Disallowance Bill.

Their contact emails are HERE

Read TOD SEPP by:

Paul Scully, MP, Minister for Planning & Public Spaces State Environmental Planning Policy (Housing) Amendment (Transport Oriented Development) 2024 under the Environmental and Planning Act 1979 HERE

18 June, 2024