What will the birds do when Ku-ring-gai changes?
Continue reading &Ku-ring-gai Birds #2024 Bird Photographer of the Year award #Birdlife in Ku-ring-gai #Birds colliding #Canada bird kill #Canadian photographer Patricia Homonylo #Flight paths of birds #Ku-ring-gai #Ku-ring-gai Council #Ku-ring-gai Environment #Ku-ring-gai Overdevelopment #Ku-ring-gai Planning #Ku-ring-gai Urban Forest #Minns Housing's ecological impacts #NSW Housing Policy #NSW Housing reforms ecological impactsimpacts impa #TOD #TOD ecological impacts #TOD SEPP ecological impacts #TODs potential to interfere with flight paths of migratory birds #TODs will kill birds #When Worlds Collide photograph by Patricia Homonylo